祢是我永遠的救主 You Are Forever My Savior
1.2.wo kan jian ta ding hen di shou
English translation: Violet Chen
我看見祂 釘痕的手
Behold the Lamb nail-pierced hands
wo kan jian ta xue wei wo liu
我看見祂 血為我流
Behold the Lamb bleeding with pain
bei zhe shi jia bu lu man shan
背著十架 步履蹣跚
The Cross He bore to Golgotha
xiang ge ge ta xing zou
向各各他 行走
In dreadful sorrow
wei liao shu wo ta wu yuan you
為了贖我 祂無怨尤
Willingly He took all my guilt
wo kan jian ta xue wei wo liu
我看見祂 血為我流
Behold the Lamb bleeding with pain
bei zhe shi jia bu lu man shan
背著十架 步履蹣跚
The Cross He bore to Golgotha
xiang ge ge ta xing zou
向各各他 行走
In dreadful sorrow
wei liao shu wo ta wu yuan you
為了贖我 祂無怨尤
Willingly He took all my guilt
wei liao jiu wo ta lai meng xiu
為了救我 祂來蒙羞
He suffered shame that I be freed
ji xiao ru ma chi shen lu ti
譏笑辱罵 赤身露體
In naked form He took all mocks
ta mo mo cheng shou
With gentle meekness
ta shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祂是我的主 為我釘在十架上
He is my own Lord For me He died on the Cross
wo di zui nie guo fan ta quan wei wo dan dang
我的罪孽過犯 祂全為我擔當
All my sin and offense He took as if His own
ta shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祂是我的主 為我釘在十架上
He is my own Lord For me He died on the Cross
ta gan yuan she ming shi shen suo yu bei di gao yang
For all men laid down His own life as the Lamb of God!
為了救我 祂來蒙羞
He suffered shame that I be freed
ji xiao ru ma chi shen lu ti
譏笑辱罵 赤身露體
In naked form He took all mocks
ta mo mo cheng shou
With gentle meekness
ta shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祂是我的主 為我釘在十架上
He is my own Lord For me He died on the Cross
wo di zui nie guo fan ta quan wei wo dan dang
我的罪孽過犯 祂全為我擔當
All my sin and offense He took as if His own
ta shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祂是我的主 為我釘在十架上
He is my own Lord For me He died on the Cross
ta gan yuan she ming shi shen suo yu bei di gao yang
For all men laid down His own life as the Lamb of God!
ni shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祢是我的主 為我釘在十架上
You are my own Lord For me You died on the Cross
wo di zui nie guo fan ni quan wei wo dan dang
我的罪孽過犯 祢全為我擔當
All my sin and offense You took as if Your own
ni shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祢是我的主 為我釘在十架上
You are my own Lord For me You died on the Cross
ni shi wo shu fu yin ni shi wo yong yuan di jiu zhu
我甘願順服 因祢是我永遠的救主
My Savior and Lord I will follow You forever more!
祢是我的主 為我釘在十架上
You are my own Lord For me You died on the Cross
wo di zui nie guo fan ni quan wei wo dan dang
我的罪孽過犯 祢全為我擔當
All my sin and offense You took as if Your own
ni shi wo di zhu wei wo ding zai shi jia shang
祢是我的主 為我釘在十架上
You are my own Lord For me You died on the Cross
ni shi wo shu fu yin ni shi wo yong yuan di jiu zhu
我甘願順服 因祢是我永遠的救主
My Savior and Lord I will follow You forever more!