
使命 Mission

zhu ye su zou guo di shi jia lu
The road of suffering where Jesus walked 

wo ye yuan gen sui
is where I would go

liu chu bao xue xi sheng di dao lu
流出宝血牺牲的道路 The path that’s stained with His own blood

wo yao gen sui dao di
is where I would go.

xian jun di shan ling ye wu suo wei     
However steep the mountain

tian ya hai jiao wo ye yuan gen sui
However remote the sea I would go

wèi liao zhěng jiù shī sàng di líng hún

For the lost souls to be found

wǒ yuàn shě qì bǎo guì shēng mìng
I would give up my own life. 

fu a qiu ni chai qian wo      wo yao ben zou shi jia lu
父啊求祢差遣我  我要奔走十架路
Father, Send me with Thy will, the Cross calls me to go

bu xi xi sheng wo bao gui sheng ming
不惜牺牲 我宝贵生命
My own life I would not hold dear

qiu ni chai qian wo
Send me with Thy will.

zhu ye su zou guo di shi jia lu
The road of suffering where Jesus walked 

wo ye yuan gen sui
is where I would go

liu chu bao xue xi sheng di dao lu
流出宝血牺牲的道路 The path that’s stained with His own blood

wo yao gen sui dao di
is where I would go.

xian jun di shan ling ye wu suo wei     
However steep the mountain

tian ya hai jiao wo ye yuan gen sui
However remote the sea I would go

wèi liao zhěng jiù shī sàng di líng hún

For the lost souls to be found

wǒ yuàn shě qì bǎo guì shēng mìng
I would give up my own life. 

shì jiè suī wú lǐ di chóu hèn wǒ 
The world might wrong me with no base 

wǒ réng rán yǐ ài xiāng dài
I repay with His true love

zhěng jiù shì jiè líng hún di shí jià 
The Cross saves this world's lost souls 

gān yuàn zǒu shàng zhè lù
Gladly I choose this path

zhu ye su zou guo di shi jia lu
The road of suffering where Jesus walked 

wo ye yuan gen sui
is where I would go

liu chu bao xue xi sheng di dao lu
流出宝血牺牲的道路 The path that’s stained with His own blood

wo yao gen sui dao di
is where I would go.

xian jun di shan ling ye wu suo wei     
However steep the mountain

tian ya hai jiao wo ye yuan gen sui
However remote the sea I would go

wèi liao zhěng jiù shī sàng di líng hún

For the lost souls to be found

wǒ yuàn shě qì bǎo guì shēng mìng
I would give up my own life. 

shèn zhì wèi liao wǒ xī shēng shēng mìng 
Love me such that life You gave

ní ài wǒ jìng ài dào dǐ
Love that You gave me Your all

qiú ní jiē nà zhè wéi xiǎo di wǒ 
Now I offer my humble self 

xiàn shàng wǒ di ài qíng
My true love all for You.

qiú ní jiē nà zhè wéi xiǎo di wǒ 
Now I offer my humble self 

xiàn shàng wǒ di ài qíng
My true love all for You.

加略山的爱 The Love of Calvary

měi dāng wǒ xiǎng qǐ nǐ duì wǒ de ài             wǒ de xīn hé děng gǎn'ēn
每當我想起祢對我的愛 我的心何等感恩
When I think of Your love for me     My heart is overflowing with joy

yuán lái shì ruǎn ruò zuì 'è de rén                   nǐ de ài shì zhǎng kuò yòu gāo shēn
原來是軟弱罪惡的人    祢的愛是長闊又高深
Such a broken wicked one I was       Your deep deep love reached me

dǒu luò zài tā xiāng piāo bó de huī chén         tà shàng yáo yuǎn guī xiāng de lù chéng
抖落在他鄉漂泊的灰塵  踏上遙遠歸鄉的路程
Shedding all dirts from wandering paths Setting foot on long journey home

gào bié guò qù kōng xū de rén shēng              dé zháo nà yǒng shēng de fú fen
告別過去空虛的人生    得著那永生的福分
Bidding farewell to my futile pursuit Gaining blessing of eternal life

wǒ bù zài liú làng yě bù zài yōu shāng             shēng mìng yǒu pàn wàng xǐlè yǒu lì liàng
我不再流浪也不再憂傷  生命有盼望喜樂有力量
I wander no more nor in despair.      With hope and joy my life’s in Your strength

cí'ài de shuāng shǒu dài lǐng wǒ lù chéng        jìn rù yǒng héng róng yào tiān chéng
慈愛的雙手帶領我路程  進入永恒榮耀天城
Guided by Your loving hand Eternal heavenly kingdom I belong

měi dāng wǒ xiǎng qǐ jiā lüè shān de ài           wǒ de xīn hé děng gǎn'ēn
每當我想起加略山的愛 我的心何等感恩
When I think of Your love for me My heart is overflowing with joy

dīng zài shí zìjià shuāng shǒu dīng hén              zhěng jiù qiān qiān wàn wàn de líng hún
釘在十字架雙手釘痕      拯救千千萬萬的靈魂
Your nail-pierced hands on the Cross Delivered souls too numerous to count

tiān fù cháng kàn gù zài měi shí měi fēn             chūn xià qiū dōng shēng mìng dū ān wěn
天父常看顧在每時每分   春夏秋冬生命都安穩
Day in and day out, Father in Heaven reigns Every season true peace abides

fèng xiàn wǒ shēn wéi zhǔ zuò jiàn zhèng               ràng jiù ēn lín dào suǒyǒu de rén
奉獻我身為主作見證        讓救恩臨到所有的人
I offer self as Your willing messenger Making Your rich salvation known by all

wǒ gāo shēng gē chàng xiàng shì jiè chuán yáng   píng'ān dì liàng guāng zhào yào gè dì fāng
我高聲歌唱向世界傳揚     平安的亮光照耀各地方
In loud voice I sing to the world.   Your peaceful light shining above us all

cí'ài de jiù zhǔ fú chí wǒ yī shēng                              tóng zài měi lì yē lù sā lěng
慈愛的救主扶持我一生     同在美麗耶路撒冷
My loving Savior leading my life Beautiful Jerusalem, my heavenly home.