
主啊 我到祢面前 I Come to You, Lord, Today.

歌曲/詞 唐瑛琦 天韻之聲

zhǔ ā wǒ dào ní miàn qián xiàn shàng wǒ di jīn tiān
主啊 我到祢面前 獻上我的今天
I come to you, Lord, today. Offering up my life.

wǒ di shēn tǐ wǒ de yī qiè xiàn shàng dàng zuò huó jì
我的身體 我的一切 獻上當作活祭
My heart and all that is in me, As living sacrifice.

zhǔ ā wǒ dào ní miàn qián xiàn shàng wǒ di jīn tiān
主啊 我到祢面前 獻上我的今天
I come to you, Lord, today. Offering up my life.

qiú ní gēng xīn qiú ní jié jìng wǒ di xīn sī yì niàn
求祢更新 求祢潔淨 我的心思意念
Renew me, cleanse my hidden thoughts, This is my plea to You.

wǒ yǔ ní tóng dīng shí jià rú jīn bú shì wǒ huó zhe
我與祢同釘十架 如今不是我活著
When You were nailed on the Cross, My old self were there in You.

yīn wǒ zhī dào ní shì shēn ài wǒ wǒ zhī wéi ní ér huó
因我知道祢是深愛我 我只為祢而活
Now I no longer live for self, For Your love is in me.

zhǔ ā wǒ dào ní miàn qián xiàn shàng wǒ di jīn tiān
主啊 我到祢面前 獻上我的今天
I come to you, Lord, today. Offering up my life.

yuàn wǒ yī shēng méng ní yuè nà chéng wéi ní di xǐ yuè
願我一生蒙祢悅納 成為祢的喜悅
My heart and all that is in me, As living sacrifice.

English lyrics: Violet Chen


十字架是我的榮耀 Old Rugged Cross is My Boast

gǔ jiù di shí zì jià shì wǒ di yī kào
古旧的十字架 是我的依靠
The Cross may seem rugged, It’s my only boast.

shì rén kàn wèi xiū chǐ wǒ kàn wèi zhēn bǎo
世人看为羞耻 我看为珍宝
For some it is a shame, To me pride and joy. 

yīn zhe yē sū xī shēng shén yǔ wǒ hé hǎo
因着耶稣牺牲 神与我和好
Jesus’ sacrifice brings God’s peace with all men.

shí zì jià shì wǒ di róng yào
The Cross is my glory my boast.

bèi qǐ wǒ di shí jià tiān lù wǒ bēn pǎo
背起我的十架 天路我奔跑
With my own cross I bear  Heavenward I race

shì rén kàn wèi yú zhuō wǒ kàn wéi róng yào
世人看为愚拙 我看为荣耀
For some it is foolish, to me glorious call.

bù wèi mó guǐ kòng gào bù pà rén cháo xiào
不畏魔鬼控告 不怕人嘲笑
Jesus my defender, safe I am in Him.

yē sū jī dū zuò wǒ zhōng bǎo
I have no fear when I’m mocked.


shí zìj ià shì wǒ di róng yào
十字架 是我的荣耀
Rugged Cross, It’s my only boast. 

wǒ xiàng hēi 'àn shì jiè lái xuān gào
Jesus’ victory, I claim to the world.

shí zìj ià shì wǒ di róng yào
十字架 是我的荣耀
Rugged Cross, it’s my only boast. 

wǒ méng jiù shú ēn diǎn di jì hào
Mark of grace I treasure all my life