
Listen to the Word of the Lord 轻轻听, 主向你细语

Listen to the Word of the Lord  by  Keith & Kristyn Getty 2024 Getty Music Publishing

qīng qīng tīng zhǔ duì nǐ shuō huà
轻轻听   主对你说话
Listen to the Word of the Lord
qīng qīng tīng zhǔ duì nǐ shuō huà
轻轻听   主对你说话
Listen to the Word of the Lord
yǒu ēn cí yǒu zhì huì
有恩慈 有智慧
          Great and wise, good and kind
qīng qīng tīng zhǔ duì nǐ shuō huà
轻轻听   主对你说话
Listen to the Word of the Lord
qīng qīng tīng tā róu shēng xì yǔ
轻轻听 祂柔声细语
Learn to know the sound of His voice
qīng qīng tīng tā róu shēng xì yǔ
轻轻听 祂柔声细语
Learn to know the sound of His voice

duō chún quán duō wěn jiàn
多纯全 多稳健
Strong and sure, calm and pure

qīng qīng tīng tā róu shēng xì yǔ
轻轻听 祂柔声细语
Learn to know the sound of His voice 
tīng jí xìn tā      xìn jí gēn cóng
听即信祂  信即跟从
 Hear and believe Him, trust and obey

tiān tiān huó zài tā zhì huì lǐ
 天天活在祂 智慧里
Walk in His wisdom every day


yī kào shén měi gè yīng xǔ
倚靠神 每个应许
Lean on every promise of God

yī kào shén měi gè yīng xǔ
倚靠神 每个应许
Lean on every promise of God 
zhēn liàn jìng huái bào nǐ
真炼净   怀抱你
          Tried and true, holding you

          yī kào shén měi gè yīng xǔ
倚靠神 每个应许
Lean on every promise of God
tīng jí xìn tā      xìn jí gēn cóng
听即信祂  信即跟从
 Hear and believe Him, trust and obey

tiān tiān huó zài tā zhì huì lǐ
 天天活在祂 智慧里
Walk in His wisdom every day

yē sū shì zhǔ zài shuō huà 
Jesus is the Word of the Lord 

yē sū shì zhǔ zài shuō huà
Jesus is the Word of the Lord
yǒu ēn cí yǒu zhì huì
有恩慈 有智慧
          Great and wise, good and kind

yē sū shì zhǔ zài shuō huà 
Jesus is the Word of the Lord
qīng qīng tīng zhǔ xiàng nǐ shuō huà 
轻轻听 主向你说话
Listen to the Word of the Lord

中译: Violet Chen https://julia4christ.org/Violet_Chen.htm




君尊義僕 Servant King

Composer: Graham Kendrick


dào chéng ròu shēn wéi rén zǐ
From Heaven, You came helpless babe

yǐn cáng róng yào gān xīn rù shì
隐藏荣耀  甘心入世
Entered our world, your glory veiled

qiān bēi shě jǐ fú shì rén
Not to be served but to serve

yīn ní shě mìng wǒ dé yǒng shēng
And give Your life that we might live

zhè shì wǒ zhǔ jūn zūn yì pū

这是我主  君尊義僕

This is our God, The Servant King

zhào wǒ lái gēn cóng tā jiǎo bù

召我来跟  從祂脚步

He calls us now to follow Him

shēn xīn suǒ yǒu měi tiān xiàn shàng dàng huó jì

身心所有  每天献上当活祭

To bring our lives as a daily offering

qiān gōng jìng bài jūn zūn yì pū
谦恭敬拜  君尊義僕
Of worship to The Servant King

yuán zhōng zhēng zhá tā liú lèi

园中挣扎  流泪

There in the garden of tears

xuǎn zé dān dāng shì rén zhòng zuì


My heavy load he chose to bear

chóu kǔ yōu shāng xīn pò suì


His heart with sorrow was torn

shùn cóng fù zhǐ shě jǐ wú huǐ

父旨  舍己无悔
"Yet not My will but Yours", He said

zhè shì wǒ zhǔ jūn zūn yì pū

这是我主  君尊義僕

This is our God, The Servant King

zhào wǒ lái gēn cóng tā jiǎo bù

召我来跟  從祂脚步

He calls us now to follow Him

shēn xīn suǒ yǒu měi tiān xiàn shàng dàng huó jì

身心所有  每天献上当活祭

To bring our lives as a daily offering

qiān gōng jìng bài jūn zūn yì pū
谦恭敬拜  君尊義僕
Of worship to The Servant King


lái kàn tā shǒu jiǎo dīng hén


Come see His hands and His feet

wèi wǒ xī shēng dài jià hé shēn

为我牺牲  代价何深

The scars that speak of sacrifice

tā shǒu pū zhāng zhòng xīng chén


Hands that flung stars into space

què gān xīn bèi dīng lái shòu kǔ

却甘心被钉 来受苦
To cruel nails surrendered

zhè shì wǒ zhǔ jūn zūn yì pū

这是我主  君尊義僕

This is our God, The Servant King

zhào wǒ lái gēn cóng tā jiǎo bù

召我来跟  從祂脚步

He calls us now to follow Him

shēn xīn suǒ yǒu měi tiān xiàn shàng dàng huó jì

身心所有  每天献上当活祭

To bring our lives as a daily offering

qiān gōng jìng bài jūn zūn yì pū
谦恭敬拜  君尊義僕
Of worship to The Servant King


xiào fǎ ēn zhǔ fú shì rén


So let us learn how to serve

dìng yì yīshēng fèng zhǔ wèi zūn

定意一生  奉主为尊

And in our lives enthrone Him

yuàn gù niàn tā rén xū yào


Each other's needs to prefer

fú shì rén hǎobǐ fú shì shén
For it is Christ we're serving

zhè shì wǒ zhǔ jūn zūn yì pū

这是我主  君尊義僕

This is our God, The Servant King

zhào wǒ lái gēn cóng tā jiǎo bù

召我来跟  從祂脚步

He calls us now to follow Him

shēn xīn suǒ yǒu měi tiān xiàn shàng dàng huó jì

身心所有  每天献上当活祭

To bring our lives as a daily offering

qiān gōng jìng bài jūn zūn yì pū
谦恭敬拜  君尊義僕
Of worship to The Servant King


祢的名在全地 何其美/投靠者的赞美

yē hé huá wǒ men di shén nǎ
耶和華 我們的神哪
LORD Je-ho-vah    Our loving God

ní di míng zài quán di hé qí měi
祢的名在全地 何其美
Beautiful's Your name in all the earth

yē hé huá wǒ men di shén nǎ
耶和華 我們的神哪
LORD Je-ho-vah    Our loving God

ní di róng yào zhāng xiǎn yú tiān
祢的榮耀 彰顯於天
Your glory's made known in heaven

ní di néng lì biàn jí quán di
祢的能力  遍及全地
And your power  reaches all the earth

qióng cāng hào hàn wú biān kuān guǎng
穹蒼浩瀚 無邊寬廣
Firmament vast   Immensely large

xīng xīng yuè liàng zài ní shǒu zhǎng
星星月亮 在祢手掌
Stars and moon all    At Your command

shì rén suàn shén me ní jìng gù niàn tā
世人算什麼 祢竟顧念他
Puny men we are       Yet You care for us 
shì rén suàn shén me ní jìng juàn gù tā
世人算什麼 祢竟眷顧他
Puny men we are      Yet You treasure us

wàn jūn zhī yē hé huá a
Je-ho-vah Lord of hosts

nǎ yī gè dà néng zhě xiàng ní
Who is mighty like You?

ní di xìn shí zài ní di sì wéi
Your faithfulness is all around you

miǎo shì ní di dōu yào xiū kuì
Ashamed are all who despise You

wàn jūn zhī yē hé huá a
Je-ho-vah Lord of hosts

nǎ yī gè shī ēn zhě xiàng ní
None other's as kind as You

ní di cí'ài liú chuán dào wàn dài
Your lovingkindness's from age to age

jìng wèi ní di huānxǐ jìng bài
With fear and joy we worship You

dà shuǐ fán làn di shí hòu
In times of great flood

ní zài bǎo zuò shàng wèi wáng
On Your throne You rule the earth

rèn píng kuáng fēng jù làng xiōng hàn
How fierce the tide might rage

shǔ ní di rén dà yǒu píng'ān
Your people still in great peace

jǔ shì dòng luàn di shí hòu
In times of great disarray

ní zài bǎo zuò shàng zhǎng guǎn
On Your throne You're reigning still

ní di yòu shǒu gāo jǔ zài quán di
Your right hand lifts high above all

shǔ ní di rén dà yǒu bǎo zhàng
All Your people are safe in You


唯一最愛是祢 Jesus Lord, My Best Love Thou Art

zhǔ yē sū ní shì wǒ zhì ài 
Jesus Lord, my best love Thou art 

wǒ quán xīn guī nǐ bù tā yī 
Thou hast fully captured my heart
tiān dì jiān yǒu hé néng yǔ ní bǐ nǐ 
天地间有何能 与比拟 
There is none in heav'n nor on earth like Thee 

shén ér rén zhě ní zuì měi lì 
With Thy beauty none can compete 

zhēn kě wàng xiāo shī zài ní lǐ 
When Thy voice first came to my ear 

dāng ní róu shēng rù wǒ xīn dǐ 
Whisp'ring in my heart words most dear 

qián wǒ suǒ juàn liàn jīn huān rán piē qì 
前我所眷恋 今欢然撇弃 
All past loves and aims lost their charm for me 

zhǐ yuàn ài ní quán xīn quán yì 
All my boasts so vain now appear

Chorus shì shàng yǒu shuí xiàng ní rú cǐ měi lì 
Throughout all the world, who compares with Thee 

rén jiān yǒu hé yǔ ní ài qíng néng bǐ 
Who so full of worth, who so fair and sweet 

ó shèng zhōng zhī shèng nǐ jìng zhù wǒ lǐ 
哦 圣中之圣 竟住我里 
Only Thou art worthy my love to win 

zhǔ yē sū wǒ shēn shēn ài ní 
主耶稣 我深深爱祢 
O Lord Jesus, how I love Thee 

bù yuàn zài shòu qī bù yuàn zài rèn yì 
不愿再受欺 不愿再任意 
No more I who live, no more self-deceived 

wéi yuàn tuō zì jǐ zhǐ bèi ní chōng yì 
愿脱自己 只被祢充溢
No more in the self's world indulged to be 

nǐ yǐ wài ó ràng yī qiè dōu jué jī
以外 哦 让一切都绝迹 
Deep within I know You're my only love 

wǒ wéi yī di zuì'ài shì ní 
My best love is none else but Thee


花满荆棘路 Blossoms Bless My Thorny Paths

COMPOSE 原创音乐社协作作品 
演唱: 井梦鹤
English lyrics: Violet Chen

nǐ yòng wēn róu huà yǔ
Gently You urged me

jiào wǒ zuò nà bǎi hé huā
To be that pure lily

dàn wǒ shēn zhī wǒ de zuì xìng
Knowing my sinful self too well

wǒ bìng bù gǎn shèng kāi
How dare I to blossom?

zhí dào nǐ de bǎo xuè
Till one day Your precious blood

xǐ jìng le wǒ de wū huì
Washed away all my filth

yīn cǐ wǒ cái néng gòu
Since then I was able

shèng kāi zài nà yáng guāng xià
To blossom ‘neath the sun

měi tiān huó zài shì jiān
Day to day in this world

wǒ zǒng shì yǔ tā rén bǐ jiào
Seeking to live up as the Jones

chén zuì nà xiē xū jiǎ ǒu xiàng
Pursuing the empty idols 

bìng méi yǒu zhēn píng 'ān
Finding no peace inside

zhí dào rèn qīng jī dū
Till seeing clearly Christ

cái shì bǎo guì rén shēng lù
Is the only way for life

xiàng zhe biāo gān zhí pǎo nǔ lì
Running toward the goal with my all

yào dé jīdū jiǎngshǎng
Christ as my final prize

zǒu guò gāo shān dī gǔ
Through high hill deep vale

jīng lì shùn jìng nì jìng
Through good days or bad days

wú lùn zěn yàng mí shī
However lost I feel

yǒu nǐ jǐn qiān wǒ shǒu
Your Hand won't let go mine

pāo qì xū jiǎ ǒu xiàng
Former idols I forego

shèng líng jū zhù wǒ lǐ
Holy Spirit abide within

wéi yǒu mí néng ān wèi wǒ xīn
You alone, Lord, comfort my heart

zǒu guò gāo shān dī gǔ
Through high hill deep vale

jīng lì shùn jìng nì jìng
Through good days or bad days

wú lùn zěn yàng mí shī
However lost I feel

yǒu nǐ jǐn qiān wǒ shǒu
Your Hand won't let go mine

pāo qì xū jiǎ ǒu xiàng
Former idols I forego

shèng líng jū zhù wǒ lǐ
Holy Spirit abide within

wéi yǒu mí néng ān wèi wǒ xīn
You alone, Lord, comfort my heart

wú lùn shì shēng shì sǐ
Whether in life or death

jī dū zài wǒ shēn shang xiǎn dà
Christ be magnified in my life

zhè yī shēng yǒu zhǔ yē sū tóng xíng
Walking hand in hand with Lord Jesus

jiù shì huā mǎn jīng jí lù
Blossoms bless my thorny paths 

zǒu guò gāo shān dī gǔ
Through high hill deep vale

jīng lì shùn jìng nì jìng
Through good days or bad days

wú lùn zěn yàng mí shī
However lost I feel

yǒu nǐ jǐn qiān wǒ shǒu
Your Hand won't let go mine

pāo qì xū jiǎ ǒu xiàng
Former idols I forego

shèng líng jū zhù wǒ lǐ
Holy Spirit abide within

wéi yǒu mí néng ān wèi wǒ xīn
You alone, Lord, comfort my heart

zǒu guò gāo shān dī gǔ
Through high hill deep vale

jīng lì shùn jìng nì jìng
Through good days or bad days

wú lùn zěn yàng mí shī
However lost I feel

yǒu nǐ jǐn qiān wǒ shǒu
Your Hand won't let go mine

pāo qì xū jiǎ ǒu xiàng
Former idols I forego

shèng líng jū zhù wǒ lǐ
Holy Spirit abide within

wéi yǒu mí néng ān wèi wǒ xīn
You alone, Lord, comfort my heart

wéi yǒu mí néng ān wèi wǒ xīn
You alone, Lord, comfort my heart


主啊 我到祢面前 I Come to You, Lord, Today.

歌曲/詞 唐瑛琦 天韻之聲

zhǔ ā wǒ dào ní miàn qián xiàn shàng wǒ di jīn tiān
主啊 我到祢面前 獻上我的今天
I come to you, Lord, today. Offering up my life.

wǒ di shēn tǐ wǒ de yī qiè xiàn shàng dàng zuò huó jì
我的身體 我的一切 獻上當作活祭
My heart and all that is in me, As living sacrifice.

zhǔ ā wǒ dào ní miàn qián xiàn shàng wǒ di jīn tiān
主啊 我到祢面前 獻上我的今天
I come to you, Lord, today. Offering up my life.

qiú ní gēng xīn qiú ní jié jìng wǒ di xīn sī yì niàn
求祢更新 求祢潔淨 我的心思意念
Renew me, cleanse my hidden thoughts, This is my plea to You.

wǒ yǔ ní tóng dīng shí jià rú jīn bú shì wǒ huó zhe
我與祢同釘十架 如今不是我活著
When You were nailed on the Cross, My old self were there in You.

yīn wǒ zhī dào ní shì shēn ài wǒ wǒ zhī wéi ní ér huó
因我知道祢是深愛我 我只為祢而活
Now I no longer live for self, For Your love is in me.

zhǔ ā wǒ dào ní miàn qián xiàn shàng wǒ di jīn tiān
主啊 我到祢面前 獻上我的今天
I come to you, Lord, today. Offering up my life.

yuàn wǒ yī shēng méng ní yuè nà chéng wéi ní di xǐ yuè
願我一生蒙祢悅納 成為祢的喜悅
My heart and all that is in me, As living sacrifice.

English lyrics: Violet Chen


十字架是我的榮耀 Old Rugged Cross is My Boast

gǔ jiù di shí zì jià shì wǒ di yī kào
古旧的十字架 是我的依靠
The Cross may seem rugged, It’s my only boast.

shì rén kàn wèi xiū chǐ wǒ kàn wèi zhēn bǎo
世人看为羞耻 我看为珍宝
For some it is a shame, To me pride and joy. 

yīn zhe yē sū xī shēng shén yǔ wǒ hé hǎo
因着耶稣牺牲 神与我和好
Jesus’ sacrifice brings God’s peace with all men.

shí zì jià shì wǒ di róng yào
The Cross is my glory my boast.

bèi qǐ wǒ di shí jià tiān lù wǒ bēn pǎo
背起我的十架 天路我奔跑
With my own cross I bear  Heavenward I race

shì rén kàn wèi yú zhuō wǒ kàn wéi róng yào
世人看为愚拙 我看为荣耀
For some it is foolish, to me glorious call.

bù wèi mó guǐ kòng gào bù pà rén cháo xiào
不畏魔鬼控告 不怕人嘲笑
Jesus my defender, safe I am in Him.

yē sū jī dū zuò wǒ zhōng bǎo
I have no fear when I’m mocked.


shí zìj ià shì wǒ di róng yào
十字架 是我的荣耀
Rugged Cross, It’s my only boast. 

wǒ xiàng hēi 'àn shì jiè lái xuān gào
Jesus’ victory, I claim to the world.

shí zìj ià shì wǒ di róng yào
十字架 是我的荣耀
Rugged Cross, it’s my only boast. 

wǒ méng jiù shú ēn diǎn di jì hào
Mark of grace I treasure all my life