
主若是 If the Lord

天人短歌 作曲: 蘇佐揚 作詞 趙君影 English translation: Violet Chen

zhǔ ruò shì méi guī yī duǒ wǒ jiù shì lǜ yè yī piàn      
主若是玫瑰一朵 我就是綠葉一片
If the Lord would be a rose,   I would be the leaf around

zhǔ yǔ wǒ xīn xīn xiāng yìn   jǐn jǐn di yǐ ài jié lián
主與我心心相印 緊緊地以愛結連
Heart to heart, the Lord and I, Tightly bound in love we rest

rèn píng shì fēng kuáng yǔ bào  tóng gān kǔ zhāo xì xiāng jiàn
任憑是風狂雨暴 同甘苦朝夕相見
Stormy days or fierce wind ’round me,   Hand in hand, we are in one

zhǔ ruò shì méi guī yī duǒ wǒ jiù shì lǜ yè yī piàn 
主若是玫瑰一朵 我就是綠葉一片
If the Lord would be a rose,   I would be the leaf around.

zhǔ ruò shì yī shǒu shī cí wǒ jiù shì ài di yīn yuè 
主若是一首詩詞 我就是愛的音樂
If the Lord would be a poem,  I would be the melody

tiào yuè zhē gāo shēng huān chàng  xiàng yī zhǐ chén niǎo qīng gē
跳躍著高聲歡唱 像一只晨鳥清歌
Dancing voice in joyful humming, Like a lark singing at dawn.

zhǔ yǔ wǒ cǐ chàng bǐ hè     xīn líng jiān mò qì pèi hé
主與我此唱彼和 心靈間默契配合
Heart to heart, we sing in one voice, Harmony we two enjoy

zhǔ ruò shì yī shǒu shī cí    wǒ jiù shì ài di yīn yuè
主若是一首詩詞 我就是愛的音樂
If the Lord would be a poem, I would be the melody.

wǒ ruò shì lěng ruò bīng shuāng  zhǔ jiù shì dōng rì tài yáng 
我若是冷若冰霜 主就是冬日太陽
When my love dims within me, Christ still keeps his sunny smile

tā rè qíng shí jià dà ài  gǎn dòng wǒ tiě shí xīn cháng
祂熱情十架大愛 感動我鐵石心腸
My heart might turn cold as stone, the Cross'  love melts me within

dàn yuàn wǒ róng wèi xī shuǐ, zhí liú dào zhǔ ài hǎi yáng
但願我溶為溪水 直流到主愛海洋
Would I turn to gentle river, Flowing to His sea of love

wǒ ruò shì lěng ruò bīng shuāng  zhǔ jiù shì dōng rì tài yáng
我若是冷若冰霜 主就是冬日太陽
If my love ever dims in me, Christ still keeps His sunny smile.

wǒ ruò shì yī piàn huāng dì   zhǔ jiù shì jí shí gān lín
我若是一片荒地 主就是及時甘霖
If my heart be a wasteland,  Christ would be the timely rain 

tā di ēn pèi rán xià jiàng     zī rùn wǒ gān kě di xīn
祂的恩沛然下降 滋潤我乾渴的心
Blessed grace, He gladly showers, Quenching thirsty soul in me 

wǒ bù zài bái zhàn tǔ dì kāi huā jiē guǒ zhá gēn shēn
我不再白佔土地 開花結果扎根深
No more would I waste my portion,  Deepened roots bear countless fruit

wǒ ruò shì yī piàn huāng dì zhǔ jiù shì jí shí gān lín
我若是一片荒地 主就是及時甘霖
If my heart would be a wasteland,  Christ would be the timely rain

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