
祢比這一切更美麗 You Are More Beautiful Than These

zhēn zhū mén bìyù qiáng xīn tiān hé xīn dì
珍珠門 碧玉牆 新天和新地                  
Pearly Gates,  Jasper Walls,  New Heaven New Earth
jí kǔ bēi tòng dōu chéng wéi guò qù
All sorrow and pain have come to pass

dàn nǐ di shāng hén réng zài yǒng yuǎn wèi yìn jì
但祢的傷痕仍在 永遠為印記-
Yet your scar still remains a mark that will last

shě mìng dà ài yǒu shuí néng wàng jì
捨命大愛 有誰能忘記
Your life-giving love  how can one forget

shēng mìng hé bō lí hǎi míng liàng rú shuǐ jīng
生命河 玻璃海 明亮如水晶
Stream of Life,  Glassy Sea,  shining crystal-like  

lì dài zhòng shèng tú wú yī quē xí 
Saints of all ages  none will miss

shēn chuān bái yī gē sòng nǐ xīn zào di qí jī 
Clad in pure white praising Your brand new creation
jiù shú dà ēn yǒu shuí néng wàng jì
救贖大恩 有誰能忘記
Such a rich grace how can one forget

huí néng wàng jì nǐ wèi ài jiàng bēi dào dǐ 
誰能忘記 祢為愛降卑到底
None can forget Your love laid low for all men

shuí néng wàng jì nǐ bǎo xuè qí miào néng lì 
誰能忘記 祢寶血奇妙能力
None can forget Your precious and powerful blood

zhì gāo di jūnwáng céng bèi shā di gāo yáng 
至高的君王 曾被殺的羔羊
Our Utmost High King    the Lamb who once was slain 

nǐ bǐ zhè yī qiè gèng měi lì
祢比這一切 更美麗
You are more beautiful than these

tiān shàng dì měi jǐng bù néng yǔ nǐ xiāng bǐ
天上的美景 不能與祢相比
The beauty of the sky  cannot compare with You 
hào hàn di yǔ zhòu zhāng xiǎn nǐ di néng lì 
浩瀚的宇宙 彰顯祢的能力
The vast universe declares Your mighty power
wéi yǐ wú qióng di nián rì lái rèn shí nǐ
惟以無窮的 年日來認識祢
We will begin to know You in the endless years

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