
我心屬於祢 My Heart Is Yours

作曲: Robert & Lea Sutanto

英译: Violet Chen

wǒ lái dào nǐ miàn qián
I come to You now, Lord

quán xīn xiàng nǐ chēng xiè yē sū
全心向祢稱謝 耶穌 
Praise You with all my heart, Jesus

nǐ shì rú cǐ ài wǒ
How can I show Your love

wǒ dān dān shǔ yú nǐ
But giving You my all

wǒ lái dào nǐ miàn qián
I come to You now, Lord

quán xīn xiàng nǐ chēng xiè yē sū
全心向祢稱謝 耶穌
Praise You with all my heart, Jesus

nǐ shì rú cǐ ài wǒ
How can I show Your love

wǒ dān dān shǔ yú nǐ
But giving You my all

zhǔ wǒ zài zhè lǐ xiàn shàng wǒ de xīn
主我在這裡 獻上我的心
Here I am, O Lord, I give You my heart

shēng mìng de yī qiè wán quán xiàn gěi nǐ
生命的一切 完全獻給祢
All that is in me, I give all to You

yīn wèi wǒ bìng méi yǒu cái bǎo hé jīn yín
因為我並沒有 財寶和金銀
No silver nor gold, I have none of them

néng gòu xiàn gěi nǐ wéi yǒu wǒ de xīn
能夠獻給祢 唯有我的心
What I have I give, Give You all my heart

wǒ wéi yī dǎo gào wéi yī de hū qiú
我唯一禱告 唯一的呼求
All I pray to You, Only prayer I have

shì nǐ néng yuè nà wǒ xiàn shàng di quán suǒ yǒu
是祢能悅納我 獻上的全所有
Take me as I am, All that is in me

yuàn wǒ zhè yī shēng chéng wéi nǐ qì mǐn
願我這一生 成為祢器皿
May my life, Dear Lord, A vessel in Your Hand

lái wán chéng nǐ zhǐ yì
Your will be done in me


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