
Chinese Radicals

(1) 一 I¹ One
(2) 丨 Kun³ Down stroke.
(3) 丶 Chu³ A dot
(4) 丿 P’ieh¹ Left stroke
(5) 乙 I⁴ One, bent
(6) 亅 Chüeh² Hooked down stroke
(7) 二 Erh⁴ Two
(8) 亠 T’ou² Above, cover
(9) 人 Jen² Man (erect)
(10) 儿 Jen² Man (going)
(11) 入 Ju⁴ Enter
(12) 八 Pa¹ Eight
(13) 冂 Chiung³ Borders
(14) 冖 Mi⁴ To cover
(15) 冫 Ping¹ Ice
(16) 几 Chi¹ Table, stool
(17) 凵 K’an³ Receptacle
(18) 刀 Tao¹ Knife
(19) 力 Li⁴ Strength
(20) 勹 Pao¹ Wrap
(21) 匕 Pi³ Spoon, ladle
(22) 匚 Fang¹ Basket
(23) 匸 Hsi³ Box
(24) 十 Shih² Ten
(25) 卜 Pu³ To divine
(26) 卩 Chieh² Seal, stamp
(27) 厂 Han⁴ A cliff
(28) 厶 Szu¹ Private
(29) 又 Yu⁴ Also; a hand
(30) 口 K’ou³ Mouth
(31) 囗 Wei² Enclosure
(32) 土 T’u³ Earth
(33) 士 Shih⁴ Scholar
(34) 夂 Chih⁴ Step forward
(35) 夊 Sui¹ Walk slowly
(36) 夕 Hsi⁴ Evening
(37) 大 Ti⁴ Great
(38) 女 Nü³ Female
(39) 子 Tzu³ Child, son
(40) 宀 Mien² Roof
(41) 寸 Ts’un⁴ Inch
(42) 小 Hsiao³ Small
(43) 尢 Wang¹ Lame, crooked
(44) 尸 Shih¹ A corpse
(45) 屮 Ch’e⁴ A sprout
(46) 山 Shan¹ Hill
(47) 川 Ch’uan¹ A stream
(48) 工 Kung¹ Work
(49) 己 Chi³ Self
(50) 巾 Chin¹ Napkin
(51) 干 Kan¹ Shield
(52) 幺 Yao¹ Little, fine.
(53) 广 Yen³ Roof, shelter
(54) 廴 Yin³ Move on
(55) 廾 Kung³ Folded hands
(56) 弋 I⁴ A bow
(57) 弓 Kung¹ Pig’s head
(58) 彐 Chi⁴ Feathery
(59) 彡 Shan¹ Last step
(60) 彳 Ch’ih⁴ Left step
(61) 心 Hsin¹ Heart
(62) 戈 Ko¹ A spear
(63) 戶 Hu⁴ Door, family
(64) 手 Shou³ Hand
(65) 支 Chih¹ Branch, prop
(66) 攴 P’u¹ Tap, rap
(67) 文 Wen² Literature
(68) 斗 Tou³ A peck
(69) 斤 Chin¹ Axe
(70) 方 Fang¹ Catty
(71) 无 Wu² Not
(72) 日 Jih⁴ Sun, day
(73) 曰 Yüeh¹ To say
(74) 月 Yüeh⁴ Moon
(75) 木 Mu⁴ Wood
(76) 欠 Ch’ien⁴ Owe
(77) 止 Chih³ To stop
(78) 歹 Tai³ Bad
(79) 殳 Shu¹ Pole ax, kill
(80) 毋 Wu² Do not
(81) 比 Pi³ Compare
(82) 毛 Mao² Hair
(83) 氏 Shih⁴ Clan
(84) 气 Ch’i⁴ Air, breath
(85) 水 Shui³ Water
(86) 火 Huo³ Fire
(87) 爪 Chao³ Claws
(88) 父 Fu⁴ Father
(89) 爻 Yao² Intertwine
(90) 爿 Ch’uang² Frame, bed
(91) 片 P’ien⁴ A slip, strip
(92) 牙 Ya² Tooth
(93) 牛 Niu² Ox
(94) 犬 Ch’üan³ Dog
(95) 玄 Hsüan² Dark, deep
(96) 玉 Yü⁴ Gem, jade
(97) 瓜 Kua¹ Melon
(98) 瓦 Wa³ Tile
(99) 甘 Kan¹ Sweet
(100) 生 Sheng¹ Produce
(101) 用 Yung⁴ Use
(102) 田 T’ien² Field
(103) 疋 P’i³ Roll of cloth
(104) 疒 Ni⁴ Sick
(105) 癶 Po⁴ Legs spread out
(106) 白 Pai² White
(107) 皮 P’i² Skin
(108) 皿 Min³ Dish
(109) 目 Mu⁴ Eye
(110) 矛 Mao² Lance
(111) 矢 Shih³ Arrow
(112) 石 Shih² Stone
(113) 示 Shih⁴ Reveal
(114) 禸 Jou³ Beast’s track
(115) 禾 Ho² Growing grain
(116) 穴 Hsüeh⁴ Cave, hole
(117) 立 Li⁴ To stand
(118) 竹 Chu² Bamboo
(119) 米 Mi³ Kernels, rice
(120) 糸 Mi⁴ Silk
(121) 缶 Fou³ Earthen ware
(122) 网 Wang³ A net.
(123) 羊 Yang² Sheep
(124) 羽 Yü³ Quill feathers
(125) 老 Lao³ Old
(126) 而 Erh² And yet
(127) 耒 Lei³ A plough
(128) 耳 Erh³ Ear
(129) 聿 Yü⁴ Stylus
(130) 肉 Jou⁴ Flesh
(131) 臣 Ch’en² King’s officers
(132) 自 Tzu⁴ Self, from
(133) 至 Chih⁴ Reach
(134) 臼 Chiu⁴ A mortar
(135) 舌 She² Tongue
(136) 舛 Ch’uan³ Opposed to
(137) 舟 Chou¹ Boat
(138) 艮 Ken⁴ A limit, perverse or hard
(139) 色 Se⁴ Colour
(140) 艸 Ts’ao³ Grass, herbs
(141) 虍 Hu¹.³ Tiger
(142) 虫 Ch’ung² Insect
(143) 血 Hsieh³ Blood
(144) 行 Hsing² Go, do
(145) 衣 I¹ Clothes
(146) 襾 Hsia⁴ A cover
(147) 見 Chien⁴ See, perceive
(148) 角 Chüeh² Horn, angle
(149) 言 Yen² Words
(150) 谷 Ku³ Gully, ravines
(151) 豆 Tou⁴ Platter, bean
(152) 豕 Shih³⁴ Swine
(153) 豸 Chai⁴ Footless reptiles
(154) 貝 Pei⁴ Cowries, valuable
(155) 赤 Ch’ih⁴ Red, bare
(156) 走 Tsou³ Walk
(157) 足 Tsu² Foot, enough
(158) 身 Shen¹ Body
(159) 車 Ch’e¹ Cart
(160) 辛 Hsin¹ Pungent, acrid
(161) 辰 Ch’en² Time
(162) 辵 Cho⁴ To run and stop
(163) 邑 I⁴ City, district
(164) 酉 Yu³ New wine, ripe
(165) 釆 Pien⁴ To separate
(166) 里 Li³ Hamlet, Chinese mile
(167) 金 Chin¹ Gold, metal
(168) 長 Ch’ang² Long
(169) 門 Men² Door
(170) 阜 Fou³⁴ A mound, plenty
(171) 隶 Tai⁴ Reach to
(172) 隹 Chui¹ Short-tailed birds
(173) 雨 Yü³ Rain
(174) 靑 Ch’ing¹ Nature colors, as blue, green, etc.
(175) 非 Fei¹ Wrong, not
(176) 面 Mien⁴ Face, surface
(177) 革 Ko² Rawhide
(178) 韋 Wei² Leather
(179) 韭 Chiu³ Leeks
(180) 音 Yin¹ Sound
(181) 頁 Yeh⁴ The head, a page
(182) 風 Feng¹ Wind
(183) 飛 Fei¹ To fly
(184) 食 Shih² To eat
(185) 首 Shou³ Head
(186) 香 Hsiang¹ Fragrance
(187) 馬 Ma³ Horse
(188) 骨 Ku³ Bone
(189) 高 Kao¹ High
(190) 髟 Piao¹ Bushy human hair
(191) 鬥 Tou⁴ To fight
(192) 鬯 Ch’ang⁴ Fragrant sacrificial wine
(193) 鬲 Li⁴ Three-legged incense caldron
(194) 鬼 Kuei³ Spirits, of the dead
(195) 魚 Yü² Fish
(196) 鳥 Niao³ Long-tailed birds
(197) 鹵 Lu³ Rock salt
(198) 鹿 Lu⁴ Deer
(199) 麥 Mai⁴ Wheat
(200) 麻 Ma² Hemp
(201) 黃 Huang² Yellow
(202) 黍 Shu³ Glutinous millet
(203) 黑 Hei¹ Black
(204) 黹 Chih³ Embroidery
(205) 黽 Meng³ Frog or toad
(206) 鼎 Ting³ Tripod
(207) 鼓 Ku³ Drum
(208) 鼠 Shu³ The rat kind
(209) 鼻 Pi² Nose
(210) 齊 Ch’i² Even
(211) 齒 Ch’ih³ Front teeth
(212) 龍 Ling² Dragon
(213) 龜 Kuei¹ Tortoise
(214) 龠 Yüeh⁴ Flute, pipes

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